To Participated CJCC's tournament, you need to be member of both CFC (Chess Federation of Canada) and CJCC (Calgary Junior Chess Centre)

CFC Membership

     A CFC membership not only supports the game and sport of chess in Canada, it allows you to participate in CFC-rated tournaments. The CFC uses a system called GoMembership to manage its memberships. After joining, you will have an id & password on GoMembership for your CFC membership.

Since most of the tournaments in CJCC are rapid time control (not regular), and the players here are youth, CFC offer us free membership (no need to pay annual membership fee $28). However, if in the future, you need to play in a tournament with adults' participation or some tournaments with regular time control (normal 90mins 30secs), you need to purchase the normal membership before the tournament. 

Renew CJCC Membership or Become a New Member

A CJCC Membership is required to participate all CJCC organized rated events including monthly tournaments, monthly Chess School, Championships, and online tournaments.  Annual membership is valid for a full year from July last year - June next year.  

Annual Membership Fee: $10

To join or renew your membership:

1. Pay the membership fee online at: Our Members page (click the MEMBERSHIP RENEW button)    

2. Check your email for the confirmation and receipt of the payment. Keep the copy of receipt for your record.

3. Fill out the Renew/New Member Form below.

4. If you have more than one junior to renew, repeat the steps for each junior.

Calgary Junior Chess Centre 

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