CJCC Events from Sep 2020 to Year End

CJCC Board held a Board Meeting on August 1st. With a very careful consideration, the Board has decided to keep all the regular events (monthly tournament and chess school) ONLINE from Sep until end of 2020. The decision was made based on current COVID-19 pandemic situation in Alberta, the provincial guidelines, Renert School's requirement, and most importantly the consideration of the health and safety for all our members, parents, and volunteers.

We will have two more free events for renewed members (one CFC rated online tournament on Aug 15th and one chess school on Aug 23rd) in rest of the summer. Take advantage of them by renewing your membership at https://www.calgaryjuniorchess.com/CJCC/WebPage/WebPage/22937/MembershipRegistration.

From September, a registration fee will be required for all our regular online events at a reduced price ($10 each) thanks to the saving of the venue rental. As always, an annual membership will be required to participate in all CJCC organized events. We will maintain the chess school and the tournament at the montly frequency. The schedule of the rest of the year will be posted soon.  Prizes will be provided in the rated tournaments in the form of e-giftcards. Check our webpage out from time to time for event updates: https://www.calgaryjuniorchess.com/CJCC/Events/Events. Special events like the regional championships may be organized and will depend on ACA's decision of the provincial championships or events.

The Board will closely monitor the pandemic development and re-assess the situation to determine the plan for 2021. Please be patient with us and maintain your momentum in chess. CFC is providing a rating incentive for playing online rated tournaments http://miltonchess.ca/images/bcc/cfconlineevents.pdf. Keep your chess skills sharp and take the advantage of the incentive as much as you can. We hope all our members would come out of the pandemic lockdown stronger than ever before.

CJCC Board
Published at 2020-08-18 08:20:51 by Yao Wang

Calgary Junior Chess Centre 

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