Sponsored by the Alberta Chess Association and the Calgary Junior Chess Centre
Qualifier for Canadian Youth Chess Championships (July 19 to 22, 2023 in Calgary)
Players who earning half of the total points (e.g. 2.5 points out of 5 rounds) will be able to qualify for the event.
Date: Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23, 2023
Venue: Sheraton Cavalier
Address: 2620 32 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 6B8
Organizers: Calgary Junior Chess Centre
Tournament Directors: TBA
Prerequisite: CFC ID is strongly recommended when you register for this event. Please find instruction below on how to obtain a CFC ID for free (it is not necessary to pay for CFC memebership to obtain an ID).
U-8 (Born after Jan 1, 2015) U-12 (Born after Jan 1, 2011) U-16 (Born after Jan 1, 2007)
U-10 (Born after Jan 1, 2013) U-14 (Born after Jan 1, 2009) U-18 (Born after Jan 1, 2005)
Time Control: Game in 90 minutes 30 seconds per move
Entry Fees: $40 if registered before Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 10 pm, $50 after that. Registration will close on Thursday April 20th at 10 pm.
Approximate Schedule:
Saturday, April 22
On-site registration: 9:15 am – 9:45 am
Opening ceremony: 9:50 am – 10:00 am
Rounds 1-3: 10 am, 2 pm, 5 pm
Sunday, April 23
Round 4-5: 10 am; ~1 pm or ASAP
Tie-Breaks: immediately after round 5
Award ceremony: immediately after the completion of each section
U-8 and U-10 groups may follow their own schedule.
Prizes in each section
1st place: Free entry to 2023 Canadian Youth Championship in Calgary and Trophy
2nd place: Trophy
3rd place: Trophy
Top girl: Trophy
All other participants will receive prizes.
Hotel/Venue: Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Hotel
Address: 2620 32 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 6B8
Special hotel rate: $139 plus taxes per night for bookings between April 21-April 24. The room includes traditional two queen beds.
Hotel Reservation link:
Phone number for booking: 1-403-291-0107
The group rate cutoff at Sheraton Cavalier Hotel is March 30.
Tie-break procedure: In case two or more players are tied for places 1-3 or best girl, the following tie-break procedure will apply:
1) Head to head result. This will only apply if all the players in a tied group played each other.
2) Tie-break match. If two players are tied, they will play a two-game match. If the tie is for first place, a two game match will be held with the time control of Game/10 minutes 5 seconds per move. If the tie is for second, third or best girl prize, the time control will be Game/3 minutes 2 seconds per move, each. If more than two players are tied, they will play a round-robin tournament with the same time controls. If the tie is still not broken, the procedure will be repeated; however, if only two players are tied, they will only play one game with the colours determined at random. If the tie is not broken for the 1st place, they will repeat the procedure but with the Game/3 minutes 2 seconds/move time control.
3) Tie-breaks for all other places will be determined by the following criteria:
a) Head to head (if all those tied played each other).
b) Buchholz (Sum of all scores of opponents).
c) Buchholz cut 1 (Sum of all scores of opponents except the lowest point scorer).
d) Most wins.
e) Most games with black.
Move Recording: Moves must be recorded at all times by both players. Assistance through notation “cheat sheet” can be provided to inexperienced participants. Scoresheets and pens will be provided by the organizers.
JUNIOR DRAW RULE (adopted by the ACA board on January 13, 2018)
In junior only events, the draw offer and acceptance is only allowed once both players have played 30 moves. Players must prove they have each played 30 moves by showing it on their scoresheets. For games without scoresheets, allowing the draw will be at the TD’s discretion.
© 2025 Calgary Junior Chess Centre All rights reserved. A2303-1