January 2021 Chess School followed by an 4-round CFC rated Tournament on lichess.org.
Chess School:
Jan 31st, 1pm - 2pm (meeting room opens from 12:45 pm) on Zoom.
Fee: $10 for members. Sibling member price is $7. Sign-up without a valid membership will be removed. Renew/register your 2020-2021 membership at
Only online registration is acceptable and it will be closed by 10pm on Jan 30. Participants must sign up on this event page to one of the 4 levels. The Chess School host will assign them to their level (breakout rooms) once the event starts. A link and password to the Zoom Meeting will be sent to the registered email. If you don't receive the email by morning of Jan 30 please contact chesscjcc@gmail.com. The name on Zoom should use "Full Name_level_lichess ID" for proper level assignment.
Tournament time:
Jan 31 2:15 pm on lichess.org, 4 rounds of Swiss,15/10, The tournament password will be sent with the Zoom link and will also be communicated during the chess school. Two sections provide:
How to register the tournament:
1. If you don't have a lichess account, watch this video on how to create a FREE account and how to join CJCC Team and a tournament. https://youtu.be/bKHESEhQRM0.
2. Join the Team as soon as you sign up the event. Don't wait for the last minute. Once your Team joining request is accepted, you will see the Sep Chess School tournament in the Team with password required to join. The tournament password will be sent with the Zoom link and will also be communicated during the chess school.
3. Join CJCC online Team https://lichess.org/team/calgary-junior-chess-centre-cjcc. Non-member will not be accepted to the Team. Watch this video on how to create a FREE account and how to join CJCC Team and a tournament.
4. All players must stay on the same Zoom room of the chess lesson and keep their LIVE VIDEO on througout the tournament. Players who are in the tournament but don't show up on the Zoom room will get their score FORFEIT! The tournament directors will be monitoring and will ask the players to display if their video is off. Players are not allowed to record the meeting at any time during the tournament..
5. It's recommeded to use a separate device for video monitoring while playing. The angel must show the player's screen to ensure only the program used for the tournament is open at the time of the tournament.They will be muted unless requested by the TDs. They are allowed to move around when they finish their own games or during round breaks. Chat is prohibited except during the break between the rounds.
6. Read FAIR PLAY AGREEMENT. Parents, please talk to your children about ethical play online. Signing up the event means the players have read and accepted the clauses in the AGREEMENT including the consequence of cheating.
7. All results are considered unofficial until the post-game review is done, which will take 3-7 days. All games may be reviewed by the TD's. Suspicous games will be reviewed by the tournament Commitee designated by the Board. If cheating is discovered and confirmed, the player's ID will be reported to lichess. The offending player's score in the tournament will be forfeit and will be banned from future CJCC online and offline tournaments for:
a) two months following the first offence.
b) 12 months following a second offence.
c) Lifetime ban following a third offence.
Paid membership fee will not be refunded for the banned period.
8. Get familiar with Swiss Tournament rules at lichess.org/swiss. CJCC is not responsible for any loss due to the chess platform system issues.
9. Updated CFC rating can be checked on https://www.chess.ca/en/ratings/ after the final official result is posted on CJCC website.
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